Whose Eyes Are All Starry - Cos' He's got A Ferrari?
"I do give books as gifts sometimes, when people would
rather have one than a new Ferrari." Dean Koontz
Sleek, tasteful, smart and silvery grey,
No, I'm not describing YOU Mr May.
I'm talking about your new acquisition.
Thankfully, I'm not now in the position
To say once again, how I REALLY HATE RED!
And in a Fez' of that colour, would not be seen dead!
So, Congratulations! You do have some taste,
Though still think a Ferrari's one heck of a waste.
Aren't they like grandchildren, entertaining, K's caning?
Least THEY can be returned when the novelty's waning!
(Understanding for most it's a car to aspire to.
James you drive them often so why was that you?)
But each to his own, now a true 'petrolhead'
And no longer in your metaphorical shed.
You and TG colleagues now joined at the hip,
Enslaved members of the celebrity roadtrip.
But there's hope for you still, (you've by far the best manners),
And you've got to admire a man loving his spanners!
Now just got to hope that when the initial thrill's gone,
We dont find next on your wish list a Harley Davidson! ;-)