James, my inspiration and Muse...


Here is a collection of my favourite poetry,
Mr May has admitted to liking poetry.
He has even inspired me to write some.
He likes poetry, I like him.

Click on pics to enlarge.

Thank you for visiting.

Thursday 19 August 2010

Carrot stick your julienne!
When a ca-rrot
you need to garotte,
does it really need much thought?
No matter how much you pretty it up
it gets stuffed in your face like it ought!

Oh , Mr May,
I just have to say,
I prefer a smart dial and a knob!
Digi-displayin', leave that to game-playin'.
It so complicates every job!

If simple I am,
well, I dont give a damn!
I'm too old now to figure this techno.
It's a car that I'm driving to where I'm arriving
Not playing 'Theft Auto'. Oh heck no!

Elaine x