James, my inspiration and Muse...


Here is a collection of my favourite poetry,
Mr May has admitted to liking poetry.
He has even inspired me to write some.
He likes poetry, I like him.

Click on pics to enlarge.

Thank you for visiting.

Saturday 4 September 2010

A poem as promised - (Lordy! The unveiling of The Stig is a totally boring subject!)

The Man Who Sucked Ducks!...or
Much Ado About Nothing
Everyone remembers, Armstrong and Aldrin,
Stepping down onto the moon,
But who recalls Columbia's Mike Collins,
Alone up there, facing his private 'High Noon'?

And now there's another such Collins,
Who came out and said, "I'm The Stig",
And the whole world was heard to say, "Bothered!",
Same as, if James had said, he is wearing a wig!

Now some say that The Stig sucks the moisture from ducks,
And allegedly has a webbed bum,
You'll be telling me next that my Santa's not real,
And like Stig ain't believed in by some.

Not content to be a superhero,
An unfathomable legend in white,
Who drove supercars, and taught superstars,
to drive fast. He wanted to... write?

So like Dr Who, he will morph now,
And maybe his book will be big,
Perhaps in the future, all that we'll know is
For certain, he once was, The Stig.

Elaine x