James, my inspiration and Muse...


Here is a collection of my favourite poetry,
Mr May has admitted to liking poetry.
He has even inspired me to write some.
He likes poetry, I like him.

Click on pics to enlarge.

Thank you for visiting.

Thursday 12 November 2009

Hello James,
"But I can only write what the muse allows me to write. I cannot choose,
I can only do what I am given, and I feel pleased when I feel close to concrete poetry - still."
Ian Hamilton Finlay

Amuse my Muse
After much deliberation,
Infinite examinations,
I've come to the conclusion,
The answer lies in combinations.

Now I don't mean what great grandad wore
When draughts did in the winter draw.
I'm talking of grey matter, crikey!
I'll go all posh and say, the psyche.

Nothing can quite bring together
More adroitly than the brain,
Countless subtle, diverse sensations,
Perfection snapshots to attain.

things come together at critical moments,
Providing experiences you can't define,
Captured in time and later recalled,
(You're always enthralled,)
Treasures, unmeasurable, unique and sublime.

Quintessential Porsche therefore could be defined,
When awareness is heightened and forces aligned,
Image, speed, power - all senses applied,
Colliding convergences intensified.
The muse has inspired, I think you will find,
Brought altogether by the power of the mind.

Elaine x