James, my inspiration and Muse...


Here is a collection of my favourite poetry,
Mr May has admitted to liking poetry.
He has even inspired me to write some.
He likes poetry, I like him.

Click on pics to enlarge.

Thank you for visiting.

Friday 25 December 2009

Merry Christmas to the BFS.
I'm re-posting this for those of you who recognise the acronym BFG but who may be unfamiliar with BFS. Now the JMB, James' fan site will recognise it immediately.
James loves his Blue Flowery Shirt and pays tribute to it in the
introduction to his Car Fever book. Here's my tribute ;-)

Ode to the BFS

You match me in paleness, the blue of my eyes,
You hold me, enfold me, caressing my thighs,
By you I am comforted, safe and secure,
You save me from demons, no fear anymore.
My constant companion wherever I roam
Be it over the ocean or nearer to home.

You have your own place in the hearts of the few
who acknowledge the significance that I give you.
I've loved you so long that you're part of me now,
I'll never discard you, I'll honour this vow.
My magical talisman, fame-bringer, friend,
Your story's a legend that never will end.

Maid of Astolat